On October 1, 2017, Stephen Paddock shot from a window in Mandalay Bay Hotel and Casino and killed 60 and injured 411 people below in Las Vegas, Nevada. These collages reflect the heartache, anger, and grief for the lives lost and severely affected in the aftermath as well as the questioning for years to come.
“Hell on Earth I,” 11”x14”x0,” magazine paper and gel medium on paper (2017)
“Hell on Earth II,” 11”x14”x0,” magazine paper and gel medium on paper (2017)
“Requiem,” 11”x14”x0,” magazine paper and gel medium on paper (2017)
“Where Were the Gods?” 11”x14”x0” collage, magazine paper and gel medium on paper (2017)
“Lord of the Flies,” 11”x14”x0,”magazine paper and gel medium on paper (2017)
“Supplicate or Defecate?” 11”x14”x0,'“ magazine paper and gel medium on paper (2017)
“Rebirth,” 11”x14”x0,” magazine paper and gel medium on paper (2017)